Monday, October 28, 2013

Weekend & Model for a Day

My Weekend

Hey ya'll
Instead partying and just chilling and being ratchet with friends, I decided to spend my weekend with my family in Moose Jaw (a small but beautiful town in Saskatchewan). Moose Jaw kind of reminds me of Bergen (Norway) the only difference would be that Bergen is bigger, mountainous and more forest-like. I did not like Moose Jaw when I first came to Canada, but now I am beginning to recognize it's beauty and its rich history. Moose Jaw might be small but it has a lot to offer.

The first thing I did when I got home was to go through my mother's fridge. Ate whatever I could not eat on Campus. Secondly, I debrief my mother on how I am doing in school, my grades and all that stuff. Then I did some laundry and watched a movie. 

Saturday started with good weather (Sunshine!!) and good mood. I went car-shopping with my mom...Yikes!! Trust me! We ended up liking two different cars (A Hyundai vs. a Toyota), and she could not make up her mind unless I agreed with her. We went test-driving, and we bonded for a while, just talking about life etc. Some people refer to me as a mommy's daughter, and even though I disagree, I have to say that I do love my mom.

 After car shopping we went home, baked some cakes and made dinner. On Sunday morning, my sisters and I went shopping for Halloween costumes. We had a really difficult time figuring out what kind of costumes we wanted, and I have not still found my favorite costume yet :(  
My weekend went very smooth. There was no shouting, no screaming, no fighting, and no ignoring each other... this time lol.

Before going back to Campus, I ended up grocery shopping in my mother's fridge :P
How was your weekend?

Model for a Day

Going through my old pictures I found few photos from Norway, this summer that my t I want to share with ya'll. 
Before ya'll see the pictures... I have a question...feel free to answer below in the comment area...have you ever had a moment when you watch a movie or a TV series and it inspires you to do something? Well the photo-shoot was my America Next Top Model moment lol.

Now...Don't judge...Okay fine... judge as much as you want...I will not hear it, thus it will not affect me :P

Don't give up yet...Continue...there is more :P

Not Bad huh? Okay Continue lol

Thanks :)

Lastly, I want to wish my bestie Natasha a Happy birthday...I know she is very busy so she might not even see this, but I just want to say...Girl! it has been an adventure knowing you and I hope our friendship lasts and grow forever... May you live long and be the successful and independent woman I know you will be...Happy bday boo Muaah <3

Up Next:
 will be my Halloween Adventure!!!

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