Monday, October 14, 2013

Thanksgiving Dinner

As promised I will update ya’ll on how our thanksgiving Dinner went…this is me fulfilling that promise. Even though I should be busy writing my book report about Aboriginal Justice, I have decided to put at least less an hour aside to update my blog. 

Our Thanksgiving dinner was perfect, at least in our minds. My girls did a wonderful job by making the turkey, the lasagna, the mashed potato and the beautiful fall decoration. Even though some of the guests might have arrived a little late, and my little diva was continuously being a DIVA, we successfully went through with the dinner. 

Delicious Ham Lasagna

The lasagna which by the way was made of ham, tasted delicious. It was different from what I am used to, and that is exactly what living with six different girls with different culture, background and morals teaches me. I love the fact that we can have conversations about our countries, our traditions, and just basically comparing and contrasting our lives. After almost two years of living on Campus, I can nearly say I have found my-kinda-people <3

We started our dinner with a prayer, thanking God for our lives, our accomplishments, and helping those who do not have what we were about to devour lol. We then went around the table and individually said what we were thankful for and what we hoped for the coming days/months/years. Surprisingly, we were all thankful for our families ( especially, mommy and daddy), for our lives, for making it to University! And of course, we were thankful for the fact that we got the chance to meet each other. We hoped for long life and a lasting friendship (lets cross our fingers).

Roommates and guests

That was mine THANKSGVING, how was yours?

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